The New Nurses Clinical Experience - Nova Maverick...
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<b>With Close-Ups + Behind The Scenes</b><br><br><b> - “The New Nurses Clinical Experience” movie series is based on a lawsuit where Sonography students at Valencia College in Orlando were allegedly required to perform vaginal probes on each other. The transvaginal ultrasounds were supposedly voluntary, but the staff was accused of requiring students to perform them on each other. Plus, 1 in 12 students that year were males. Purportedly the then program chair Barbara Ball “told them they could find another school if they did not wish to be probed,” court documents stated. This movie re-imagines that situation with nurses who have to practice examining each other before they are allowed to work with standardized patients.</b><br><br>After a few grueling years of studying, PA Stacy Shepard and PA Raven Rogue are ready to step into the exam room and gain some clinical experience! But no medical student is ready to go from practicing on mannequins to examining real
<b>With Close-Ups + Behind The Scenes</b><br><br><b> - “The New Nurses Clinical Experience” movie series is based on a lawsuit where Sonography students at Valencia College in Orlando were allegedly required to perform vaginal probes on each other. The transvaginal ultrasounds were supposedly voluntary, but the staff was accused of requiring students to perform them on each other. Plus, 1 in 12 students that year were males. Purportedly the then program chair Barbara Ball “told them they could find another school if they did not wish to be probed,” court documents stated. This movie re-imagines that situation with nurses who have to practice examining each other before they are allowed to work with standardized patients.</b><br><br>After a few grueling years of studying, PA Stacy Shepard and PA Raven Rogue are ready to step into the exam room and gain some clinical experience! But no medical student is ready to go from practicing on mannequins to examining real
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